Membership Application


Name:  _________________________________
Date of Birth: _______/_______/_______
Phone:  _______ - _______ -  _________
Address:  _________________________________
City:  ____________________________________
State:  _________,   Zip Code_______________
Email Address:  ___________________________
AMA Number:  ___________________________
FAA Number: ____________________________

Please Check Level Of Interest:
______ I need help with selection of plane/equipment
______  I am new to the hobby and need help  building and/or learning to fly.
______ I know how to fly, but sometimes need help
______ I know how to fly. 

Yes, I want to become a member of the Recker R/C Club
and I understand that the annual dues are $125.

Please contact Secretary - Treasure Jerry McNutt for any questions concerning dues and amounts.

 I am enclosing my check or cash payment.
My signature indicates that I agree to abide by and adhere to the AMA safety code and the Recker R/C Club field and flying rules and that any violation thereof may result in the imposition of the sanction including the loss of privileges and membership.

 I understand I am responsible for any damage caused to other members, guest, or the general public as a result of any negligence on my part.


 Return this form with a copy of your current AMA card and FAA number to:
Recker R/C Club, Inc.
Jerry McNutt (Sec.-Treasurer)
201 East Perry Street
Walbridge, Ohio 43465
Phone: 419-661-9167       Email:

Before submitting your member application be sure you have a valid AMA card.  Click on the link above to acquire an AMA card.
Have your FAA number available.  Click on link above to acquire an FAA number.
Take the FAA required TRUST test by clicking the link above.